Absolute Faith Absolute faith can come only when we know the absolute. As much as our existence is dependent on this relative plane with its mind, then it will have the same relative faith and faithlessness, all that.
Shraddha With that shraddha only, anything can be received. Then we are in the receiving mode. Then we are in a prayerful receiving. Then it enters into us. And it works by itself.
Truth Itself is Protection The Truth itself doesn’t need any protection from anyone. There is no other to be protected.
There is No Independent Reality So there is no real, no unreal, no subject, no object, there is… no independent reality. There is no you, there is no I. What exists, exists. That is all.
Death is Full Presence of What I AM Death means ending; ending of something is death. But that doesn't mean that it is absence. It is Presence.
Your Personality is NOT Real Your own personality as a reality is not true. How can the other one’s personality be true?
Real Tapas is Done by Grace The effort and enquiry, everything will go into that natural flow of Grace where the ‘I’ sense dissolves into nothing and in that Self-abidance, tapas is ever there.
Wake Up from the Dream Get up! Wake up! There is no other solution.
Purity of Intention …what our intention should be is abiding in that Self; not leaving the sight of the Self, not forgetting who we are – that’s all.
Free Will & Destiny If we drop the doer and do nothing..Then you will see something beyond your destiny and free will.
Who Am I? …the moment you are conscious of that ‘I’ it subsides into the heart, that is the real ‘Who am I’
Free Will & Pure Intention …the reference is to the Intelligence only within you, not to the illusion.